Investment support for the agricultural sector: creating opportunities in Ukraine


  • Victoria Melnyk
  • Oleh Pohrishchuk



investment support, investment process, investment project, agrarian sector.


The article considers the challenges of investment support for Ukraine’s agrarian sector. In order to provide investment support for business entities by means of investment management and creating investment resources, a conceptual scheme is developed and presented. It is shown that identifying priority investment channels and implementing investment projects are based on the investment model, and therefore require measures for its further promotion. Particular attention is paid to determining priorities of financial support for the agrarian production. The paper addresses the issue of implementing regional investment projects and increasing local investment opportunities. It is pointed out that the framework of investment support for the agrarian sector is shaped by economic, social, financial, and legal factors through the following components: legal and regulatory setting; human resources capacity; organizational, innovative, informational, financial, technical and technological, marketing support. Their improvement will stimulate the competitive growth of the agrarian sector. The core activities that should be undertaken  in order to effectively implement investment projects in the agrarian sector of Ukraine include: completing the legal framework for attracting investments and protecting the rights of investors and creditors; establishing investment support policies; building the innovative infrastructure; developing the leasing services market; enhancing information support    for attracting investments; creating conditions for increasing intellectual capacity in the manufacturing sector.

Author Biographies

  • Victoria Melnyk
    Ternopil National Economic University
  • Oleh Pohrishchuk
    Ternopil National Economic University


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How to Cite

Melnyk, Victoria, and Oleh Pohrishchuk. “Investment Support for the Agricultural Sector: Creating Opportunities in Ukraine”. Herald of Economics, no. 3(89), July 2019, pp. 23-34,

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