Factor model of social development of Belarus


  • Anastasiia Simakhova




Key words, social economy model, Belarus, social economy, indicators, factor analysis, factors.


Introduction. The article is devoted to the development of the factor model of Belarus social development as a developing country with a specific social economy model. Belarus has a transitive social economy model. As a result of the study, three generalized factors of social development indicators of Belarus have been highlighted: state of developing of social economy, socialization base and human potential for socialization.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is the construction of factor model of social economy indicators development for Belarus.

Methods. To assess the key factors affecting the social development of Belarus, their analysis has been carried out by using a system of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the social economy model at the global and national levels. In the article it has been used the methods of analysis, synthesis and comparison of data. To achieve the task of factor modeling of Belarus social indicators, the Statistics 7.0 package was used with factor analysis and the main component method. Factor analysis of social indicators of Belarus has allowed distinguishing factors that have a more significant impact on the country’s economy socialization. The method of factor analysis is used to reduce existing indicators by identifying hidden general factors that explain the relationship between the factors of the object - social indicators of the country’s development.

Results. The main factors of the social development of Belarus have been identified.  It has been established that two local indicators of social development of Belarus do not currently affect the country’s economy socialization, namely,  the birth rate (the number  of newborns per woman) and the share of the country’s territory with land and marine reserves. The article has been identified that it should be paid more attention to the third generalized indicator of social development indicators of Belarus, since it is the basis for the social economy development.

Discussion. The supportive environment for human development, new business and self-employment of the population leads to the formation of effective foundations for raising the standard of living in all developing countries, incl. Belarus. It has been proposed to promote self-realization of the population’s potential for self-sufficiency and improvement of living standards.

Author Biography

  • Anastasiia Simakhova
    Oles Honchar Dnipro National University.


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How to Cite

Simakhova, Anastasiia. “Factor Model of Social Development of Belarus”. Herald of Economics, no. 2(92), Aug. 2019, pp. 81-90, https://doi.org/10.35774/visnyk2019.02.081.

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