The place of social insurance in the formation of resources of the social protection system


  • Radmila Pidlypna Uzhhorod Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics



, social expenditures, social contributions, social guarantees, budget, sources of funding


Introduction. Today there is a need for the application of effective and efficient methods and means of state regulation of the social sphere; which raises to a new level the social protection system in general and the social insurance system in particular. The development of an optimal social insurance system is one of the priorities of the state’s social strategy and should be considered as a subsystem of social protection aimed at overcoming poverty; ensuring the appropriate level and quality of life of the population of Ukraine.

Purpose. The main task of the article is to identify the place of financial resources of social insurance in the system of social protection in Ukraine by analyzing current statistical information.

Methods. The study is based on operational and system-structural analysis of current statistical information on the accumulation and distribution of budget funds in the social sphere. Quantitative and qualitative comparison; graphical and statistical methods are used to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the social insurance system.

Results. A significant part of the expenditures of social protection of the population in Ukraine is covered by the funds of the obligatory state social insurance; which testifies to its key role in ensuring the social protection of the population of Ukraine. At the same time; the formation of social infrastructure resources is carried out mainly through budget funding; so the constant growth of social expenditures in the consolidated budget of Ukraine does not allow to ensure a high standard of living. Social insurance is characterized by partial self-financing; as it provides for the formation of funds through social contributions; which finance a third of social benefits and other social transfers. Thus; it is an effective tool for ensuring state regulation of the social sphere.

Discussion. In the further research it is expedient to focus on studying world practice of formation of effective systems of social insurance for the purpose of search of alternative types of social insurance and their introduction in Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Pidlypna, Radmila. “The Place of Social Insurance in the Formation of Resources of the Social Protection System”. Herald of Economics, no. 2(96), Nov. 2020, pp. 108-20,

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