Crisis management and leadership in a coronary crisis


  • Roman Zvarych Ternopil National Economic University
  • Tetyana Tysh Ternopil National Economic University



crisis management, coronacrisis, COVID-19, economic crisis, leadership, organizational lifecycle, pandemic


Introduction. Crisis phenomena are an integral part of the development of any system in the world. Today; almost all countries suffer from crises; as it goes beyond the organizational activities and impacts the whole society. Crisis approaches are required to be implemented to administration at all levels. High competence of managers in such conditions; on the one hand; influences the development of individual crisis processes; and on the other - requires high quality management. Crisis management is able to prevent or mitigate crisis situations in production and economic activities; as well as to maintain the operation of the enterprise in the mode of survival during the unfavourable period and overcome it with minimal losses. The effectiveness of anti-crisis activities in the organization depends on the validity; completeness and timeliness of needed measures. Leadership is inherent in any field of human activity; but business environment is one of the spheres where role of leader is crucial. The efficiency of the enterprise is largely determined by the level of general development and competence of its top-management.

Methods. The methodological basis of the study is a set of fundamental provisions of crisis theory; organizational theory; as well as modern concepts of crisis management and leadership. The solution of the set tasks was carried out by using a set of general scientific research methods: analysis of scientific literature; method of analogy and comparison; theoretical synthesis; classification; methodological generalization; economic and statistical analysis; expert assessments and scientific abstraction.

The purpose of research is to analyze the economy of Ukraine in the context of   the coronacrisis and to develop anti-crisis leadership measures for the development of domestic business.

Results. The research proved that choosing correct crisis management strategy and its timely implementation can bring an organization out of the crisis and ensure its future functioning and prosperity. In research established that coronacrisis overcoming measures and its negative impact should include innovations in combination with proven methods of previous crises. The research proposes a set of measures for developing an effective crisis management strategy. The practices of management behavior models used by foreign companies in the conditions of coronacrisis are discovered and recommendations aimed at improving existing domestic models are provided.

Prospects. The results of the research discover possibilities to develop leadership anti-crisis measures that will be effective in the future in conditions of uncertainty. The prospect of further research is to apply anti-crisis leadership measures for the development of domestic business in conditions of coronacrisis.


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How to Cite

Zvarych, Roman, and Tetyana Tysh. “Crisis Management and Leadership in a Coronary Crisis”. Herald of Economics, no. 2(96), Nov. 2020, pp. 135–147,

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