Concept of energy service market enterprices’ development


  • Bohdan Brych Ternopil National Economic University



energy efficiency, energy saving, energy service, ESCO companies, energy service market, concept of energy service market.


Introduction. In the process of economic development, the importance of the energy saving segment for the socio-economic development of Ukraine is to reduce energy and environmental impact. As a result, the role of energy services for the fuel and energy sector is growing. In world practice, the energy service mechanism is one of the most effective measures for energy conservation and optimization of energy consumption of companies and housing and communal services. Accordingly, the financing of energy saving measures on the basis of energy service for domestic enterprises is the area of development that solves important problems in reducing the company’s costs for the energy component of their operation.

Methods. The methodological basis of the research is the general scientific and economic-statistical methods: in particular: analysis, synthesis, generalization, schematic and graphical visualization - to formation of conceptual foundations for the development of the energy service market; induction, deduction, dialectical analysis, schematic and graphical visualization - to determine the structure and features of energy consumption, components of the concept of energy service market development.

Results. The article is investigated the measures for ensure energy efficiency in the fuel and energy complex of Ukraine. Industrial enterprises for the production use large amounts of energy resources (electricity, heat). One of the problems in strengthening the energy saving of enterprises is the use of old energy equipment. As a result, the importance of developing cooperation between industrial enterprises and energy service companies is growing.


The development of the energy service market in Ukraine will contribute to the growth of the number of market participants and the range of energy services; formation of   the mechanism of financial and credit support of energy service development; creation of national energy efficiency standards for certain sectors of the economy; creation of    a national energy saving strategy based on energy service; wide involvement of local governments in energy service activities. The article is proposed the concept of developing the energy service market. The concept is based on the definition of its components: necessity, opportunities and effectiveness. The main drivers of the concept and directions of its implementation are described. It is proved that a single concept of developing the energy service market will provide a clear strategy for increasing the economic potential of the industry and the profitability of other sectors of the economy.

Discussion. The prospect of further research is to form at the level of public administration a clear and effective strategy for energy efficiency of the country’s economy.


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How to Cite

Brych, Bohdan. “Concept of Energy Service Market enterprices’ Development”. Herald of Economics, no. 3(97), Dec. 2020, pp. 211-24,

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