Current trends of the global stock market virtualization


  • Olena Sokhatska West Ukrainian National University
  • Olga Kukhtyn



stock market, virtualization, securities, COVID-19, financial technologies, digitalization, pandemic, Stock Exchange


Introduction. The rapid development of the latest information and financial technologies has led to radical changes in the process of securities trading. Effective implementation and use of various digital technologies for storage, processing and transmission of information has contributed to the rapid transformation of the global stock market. There was a transition of the global stock market to cyberspace. There is a scientific need for theoretical justification of the process of virtualization of the global stock market, highlighting its main trends and aspects.

Purpose. The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate the hypothesis about the inevitability of the processes of the global stock market virtualization and to identify the main trends in this process.

Methods. The research was carried out using such methods as: analysis and synthesis to study various aspects of the digital transformation of the global stock market; comparative analysis in identifying the main trends of its virtualization, tabular and graphical methods for visual presentation of the material.

Results. In the process of scientific research, the changes in the global stock market, which have taken place and are constantly taking place under the influence of the latest information and communication technologies, are analyzed. The inevitability of the process of the global stock market virtualization is substantiated and the basis of the tendency    of this process is singled out. It is noted that the rapid development of information and communication technologies has provided access to stock markets in real time and allowed to overcome the limitations of the size of the trading floor and the number of participants and instantly move capital from one point to another. It is outlined that e-commerce in financial instruments has created fundamentally new opportunities for traders. It is stated that the period of Industry 4.0. characterized by a decrease in the number of issuers on stock exchanges belonging to the group of industrial companies, and, accordingly, an increase in the number of companies that characterize the post-industrial era of society. The changes in the stock market caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have been studied. Emphasis is placed on increasing the risk of securities transactions and the need to protect systems from computer failures and cyber-attacks.

Prospects. Given the relevance of this topic and available scientific developments, it is advisable to continue research on the process of the stock market virtualization due to the use of newer software and hardware, the use of new technologies and means of data transmission.

Author Biography

  • Olena Sokhatska, West Ukrainian National University
    Ds (Economics), Professor, Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations


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How to Cite

Sokhatska, Olena, and Olga Kukhtyn. “Current Trends of the Global Stock Market Virtualization”. Herald of Economics, no. 4(98), Feb. 2021, pp. 77-91,

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