Corporate social responsibility in human resource management
corporate social responsibility, human resources management, sustainable development goals, socially responsible business.Abstract
Introduction. Corporate social responsibility in human resource management today remains a topic of discussion among domestic and foreign scientists. After all, there are still no generally accepted methods for assessing the level of corporate social responsibility, as well as a proven relationship between corporate social responsibility and effective management of human resources.
The aim of the study is to determine the place of corporate social responsibility in human resource management as a business-oriented approach to achieve high results in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
Research methods. Google Tools were used to analyze the publication activity on the research topic and the data sample was generated from the scientometric database Scopus. Statistics from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and the UN Global Compact were used. Comparative analysis was used in the study of key indicators that affect the level of corporate social responsibility at the micro and maro levels.
Results. The obtained data confirmed the hypothesis of a strong close relationship between the studied phenomena - corporate social responsibility and human resource management. This led to the conclusion that increasing the level of corporate social responsibility in human resource management will allow to more effectively implement the key Sustainable Development Goals and to form a new corporate culture in the country.
Perspectives. Requires further research into the level of the relationship between corporate social responsibility and human resource management, as well as the formation and improvement of methods for assessing the level of effectiveness of corporate social responsibility in human resource management.
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