Marketing in the organization of the development ecological tourism the Carpathian region


  • Oleksandr Kyfyak Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University



marketing, ecotourism, attractive areas, stages of the marketing process, tourist product, balance of interests


Introduction. Sharpening attention to environmental issues and finding new marketing approaches and forms of rational use of natural recreational resources in the Carpathian region will contribute to the formation of environmental culture, environmental values, ability to follow moral and legal norms and rules of environmentally sound behavior and more. An important place in the problems solving is given to eco-tourism and marketing in the organization of ecotourism development, which will help to realize that rational recreational nature using will not only stimulate the flow of entry into the region, increase welfare, but also play an important role in preserving natural resources as parts of global resources.

The purpose of the study is to identify ecologically attractive areas for the development of ecological tourism, substantiate the unique potential of the Carpathian region for this type of tourism and identify areas of creative implementation of foreign experience to establish stages of marketing process in the organization of ecological tourism.

Methods. The using of the analysis method, questionnaires, study of foreign experience, system-structural approach became the methodological basis of the study.

Results. The uniqueness of the region for ecological tourism is established on the analysis of opportunities for the ecological tourism development in the Carpathian region, in particular, the distribution of protected lands and their functional structure, the availability of reserves and national parks, etc. A high level of interest in ecological tourist products was established by surveying tourists who visited Vyzhnytsia National Park. Based on the study of foreign experience, the stages of the marketing process that can be implemented in the practice of organizing the development of ecotourism in the Carpathian region are identified. The most promising types of ecological tourist products are offered and the influence of ecotourism development on the balance of nature protection, economic, social, cultural, integration and other interests in the region is established.

Discussion. Important areas of further research in the context of determining the role and place of marketing in the ecotourism development are, in particular, the determination of target categories of visitors, assessing the demand for various ecotourism programs and competition analysis.

Author Biography

  • Oleksandr Kyfyak, Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University
    D.Sc. (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of marketing, Innovation and Regional development



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How to Cite

Kyfyak, Oleksandr. “Marketing in the Organization of the Development Ecological Tourism the Carpathian Region”. Herald of Economics, no. 2, July 2022, pp. 45-58,

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