Public-private partnerships in social services: foreign practices and prospects for implementation in Ukraine


  • Alina Zhukovska



public services, social infrastructure, public-private partnership, education, healthcare, culture.


The article outlines the issues of social infrastructure development in Ukraine. The need of addressing these issues through implementing public-private partnership projects is justified. Some priority areas for introducing public-private partnership in Ukraine are identified. The best foreign practices of attracting private sector to solving problems of social infrastructure development are considered. It is revealed that priority areas where public-private partnerships operate are dependent on the level of socio-economic development of the country. Some practices of public-private partnership projects in education in the UK, Australia, Germany, and Egypt are analyzed in detail and their common characteristics are systematized. Based on the analysis of best foreign practices applied in implementing public-private partnership projects in healthcare, the following key measures are formulated: direct provision of medical services, management of medical assets, development and production of pharmaceuticals, improvement of access to medical services and products. The performance of public-private partnership projects in the healthcare sector in the UK, France, Australia and Sweden is analyzed in detail. The paper describes both more and less successful examples of publicprivate partnership in this sector. The article defines the following reasons for low-level implementation of public-private partnership projects in healthcare: schedule delays in construction, operation-cost overruns, poor hospital and ward layout, use of low-cost medical equipment which requires regular renewal. The research also considers the best foreign practices of introducing public-private partnership projects in the field of culture. Some characteristic features of public-private partnership projects in social services in foreign countries are identified. The national practices of introducing public-private partnership projects are highlighted and priority areas of their operation are singled out. It is found out that the implementation of public-private partnership projects in social services is not popular among domestic investors. Some individual projects of public-private partnership in social services are considered. A particular attention is paid to both more and less successful ones. The main problems of the implementation of public-private partnership projects in the national education, healthcare, culture are outlined and ways for their solution are proposed.

Author Biography

  • Alina Zhukovska
    Ternopil National Economic University


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How to Cite

Zhukovska, Alina. “Public-Private Partnerships in Social Services: Foreign Practices and Prospects for Implementation in Ukraine”. Herald of Economics, no. 3(85), July 2019, pp. 21-37,

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