“Silver economy” as a resorce of inclusive development of the national economy


  • Alina Zhukovska Ternopil National Economic University




inclusive development, inclusive economy, silver economy, aging population, elderly people


Introduction. For a long period time, the world scientific community has been actively working on finding out the directions, methods, instruments and mechanisms for the economic growth provision. The current trends in the world economy have led scientists to recognize that the market economy alone is not able to solve the key social problems and that economic development alone is not enough to ensure the full effective development of the state. That is why the concept of the inclusive economic development is especially relevant today. Elderly people have significant potential to achieve the inclusive development objectives. On the one hand, the elderly people cause a serious problem connected with the budget imbalances, and on the other hand, they are a new resource for the inclusive development through the expansion of the labor market, consumption and production.

Objective: to study the genesis of the «silver economy» conception, analyze its theoretical provisions, establish a connection with the conception of «inclusive economy», substantiate the prospects for the development of the «silver economy» for the foreseeable future and develop the public policy measures to provide the deepening of the integration of the elderly people into the economic life of society.

Methods. To achieve this objective the following general and special methods are used: induction and deduction, logical generalization, analysis and synthesis, comparison, grouping.

Results. The genesis and chronology of the conception of «silver economy» are studied. The conceptual apparatus of the concept of «silver economy» is examined 

through the prism of the terms used in this study. The author’s definition of the concept of «silver economy» is offered and its connection with the conception of the «inclusive development» is established. The basic models of the «silver economy», developed by the foreign scientists are studied. The prospects for the development of the «silver economy» for the nearest future are outlined. The perspective directions of the «silver economy» development are defined. A list of state policy measures that will promote the development of the «silver economy» in the country is offered.

Discussion. Further research should be aimed at outlining the prospects for using the basic provisions of the concept of «silver economy» in the domestic economy.


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How to Cite

Zhukovska, Alina. “‘Silver economy’ As a Resorce of Inclusive Development of the National Economy”. Herald of Economics, no. 3(97), Dec. 2020, pp. 37-53, https://doi.org/10.35774/visnyk2020.03.037.

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