Management of territory resources in the context of European and national policy for regional growth


  • Alla Melnyk



decentralization, territory resources, classification of territory community resources, resource supply, resource utilization, resource efficiency, techniques for territory resource management.


The research paper examines the issue of territory resource availability in light of reviewing European and national policies to support regional growth, decentralization and creation of territory communities in Ukraine. A particular emphasis is placed on strengthening the resourse base of new administrative and territory units, and the importance of results- based management of its effective utilization. The conceptual framework of ‘territory resourses’ is described; the range of functional applications of the concept in theoretical studies and management practices is outlined. A number of factors that affect the choice of policies for management of territory resources are determined, and the significance of applying the inclusive principle for leveraging resources in the resource base of territory communities is acknowledged.

The article presents some shortcomings of the analytic database for assessing territory resources. It also provides a range of indicators by types of resources, which can be used for analysis and forcast by state and local authorities, and for decision-making related to supply and utilization of resources. Methods of calculating the integral indicator of supply of resources and areas of their utilization are proposed and evaluated.

Based on empirical research, challenges of supply and utilization of resources in the process of economic and social growth of territory communities are identified. The article emphasizes that local authorities ought to make sound policies related to supply and efficient utilization of resources. This step is followed by the formulation of key principles, management goals, targets, priorities and a line of activities.

In order to address the challenges of creating and developing territory resources  a number of resource management techniques are proposed, some of which have become widespread abroad. These techniques include strategic resource management, resource analysis, marketing research, monitoring of public-private partnership, project management, financial management, risk management, local cluster formation. The challenges of implementing them into practice at the level of territory communities are revealed. Suggestions are made for each area of functional activity. A special emphasis is placed on the consistency between techniques applied in territory resources management.

Author Biography

  • Alla Melnyk
    Ternopil National Economic University


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How to Cite

Melnyk, Alla. “Management of Territory Resources in the Context of European and National Policy for Regional Growth”. Herald of Economics, no. 3(89), July 2019, pp. 7-22,

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