Competitiveness of the agricultural sector: determinants of the global growth


  • Borys Pohrishchuk
  • Halyna Pohrishchuk



agricultural sector, competitiveness, global changes


The paper provides rationale for the key determinants of enhancing competitiveness of the agricultural sector in the light of the global growth, which is possible through structural adjustment of foreign economic opportunities and strategic focus on exporting competitive agricultural products. In order to advance the competitiveness of domestic agricultural products in the international markets, it is proposed to implement a series of measures through establishing a framework for ensuring a competitive market. By splitting the factors into those responsible for external and internal sectoral transformations, a framework for ensuring a competitive growth in the agricultural sector with regard to the global progress is developed. The effectiveness of introducing the framework is practically expressed in strengthening positions in export sales; expanding the existing markets and entering new ones; stabilizing domestic and external demand; producing environmentally-friendly and safe products that meet world quality standards. An innovative component of systemic changes in the sector is highlighted. Some trends and prospects related to foreign economic activities of the competitive agricultural sector are outlined.

In order to address the challenges on the road towards more competitive agricultural sector the following proposals are developed and justified: to complete the adaption of Ukraine’s legislative and normative framework and the regulatory system to the requirements of the EU; to establish a national system of food safety in accordance with the requirements of the food safety and animal feed safety model introduced in the EU-countries; to introduce sanitary and phytosanitary measures that are consistent with the EU requirements in agribusiness enterprises; to accomplish the establishment and operation of the system of state market supervision over the observance of requirements to the safety of food products and creation of a network of accredited conformity assessment bodies and ensure the full recognition of the National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine by international institutions.

Author Biographies

  • Borys Pohrishchuk
    Ternopil National Economic University
  • Halyna Pohrishchuk
    Ternopil National Economic University


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How to Cite

Pohrishchuk, Borys, and Halyna Pohrishchuk. “Competitiveness of the Agricultural Sector: Determinants of the Global Growth”. Herald of Economics, no. 4(86), July 2019, pp. 7-17,

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