The evolution of intangible assets in terms of social and economic development concepts


  • Valentyna Yasyshena



evolution, concept, intangible assets, intellectual property, patent, valuation


The article presents evidence that historically the emergence of intellectual property rights dates back to the pre-industrial stage of society’s development. The issuing of letters patent in England led to further development of intangible assets worldwide. The study considers chronologically social and economic development concepts which have been researched in academic papers of prominent scholars, namely, A. Smith, F. List,

Knight, F. Machlup, W. Rostow, J. Galbraith, D. Bell, P. Drucker,  and then highlights  the key aspects that have affected the evolution of intangible assets. Thus, on the basis of reviewing the concepts developed by outstanding scholars, it is pointed out that the growth of intangible assets has been driven by knowledge and that a post-industrial society is based on unprecedented technological breakthroughs. Special reference is made to information viewed as the key production resource of a post-industrial society, whereas knowledge is seen as its internal source of progress. In a post-industrial society, people are regarded as capital. The essential importance and role of intellectual capital in company operations are embodied in professional and managerial skills of personnel.

As shown in the article, there are not only research development concepts, but also normative documents, such as the Bulletin entitled «Amortization of intangible assets», in which intangible assets are identified as accounting items. Furthermore, the international system of intellectual property protection has been enhanced by the introduction of Paris and Berne Conventions.

The paper also describes how the concept of intangible assets, which appeared in Ukraine’s legislation in 1993, is seen in the national legal system, specifically as intellectual property objects including industrial property and other items of property and use. With the introduction of Ukrainian Accounting Standards (UAS) 8 into the national legislation, it was firstly emphasized that intangible assets are non-monetary assets that, on the one hand, are non-material and, on the other hand, can be identified.

The article also stresses that today’s society is passing a new stage of post-industrial development, which is accompanied not only by a rapid growth of service industries, science and education, but also by a significant increase of specialized knowledge in various fields. Finally, the need for further research of intangible assets is identified, since intangibles have a great impact on enterprise value and the competitiveness of the national economy as a whole.

Author Biography

  • Valentyna Yasyshena
    Vinnytsia Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics, Ternopil National Economic University


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How to Cite

Yasyshena, Valentyna. “The Evolution of Intangible Assets in Terms of Social and Economic Development Concepts”. Herald of Economics, no. 4(90), July 2019, pp. 134-4,

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