Economic security as an indicator of infrastructure development of modern proprietorship


  • Borys Pohrishchuk
  • Heorhii Khvichiia-Duve
  • Nataliia Dobizha



economic security, development, infrastructure, business infrastructure, entrepreneurship.


Introduction. In an economic paradigm shift and significant transformations of public administration of infrastructure development in Ukraine, the issue of ensuring economic security for infrastructure development of modern enterprises is quite significant.

Purpose. The purpose of the research paper is to provide a theoretical and methodological rationale for ensuring economic security of infrastructure development of modern proprietorship.

Methods. The theoretical and methodological framework of the research includes a comprehensive approach to considering the issue of economic security as an indicator   of infrastructure development of modern proprietorship; economic studies of foreign and national scholars; theoretical generalization, analysis, synthesis, abstract-logical method, etc. The method of theoretical generalization is applied for examining theoretical foundations of proprietorship, business infrastructure, and economic security in the multi-level scope. The method of analysis is used to describe the current state of the development of modern proprietorship; the method of synthesis is used to define principles for increasing efficiency of investment policies aimed at the infrastructure development; the abstract-logical method is applied for summarizing and making conclusions.

Results. Economic security is treated not only as the ability of the state to exercise authority, but also as a framework which makes it possible for business entities of various levels to pursue their major interests within the overall strategy of strengthening economic security. The authors claim that a healthy infrastructure contributes to economic security of a modern business. This should include a network of state, private, and non-governmental institutions, which serves business entities, supports their economic operations and enhances their efficiency. The core objective of investment policy in shaping the infrastructure of a modern business is the formation of a favourable environment, which contributes to increasing investment activities, attracting domestic and foreign private investments for the growth of the national economy. The article describes the key principles for increasing efficiency of investment policies aimed at the development of infrastructure. A number of proposals for the formation of a modern business infrastructure have been put forward. It is emphasized that sound infrastructure facilities should be set up through using the capacity of business units, territorial communities and the state.

Economic security of modern business infrastructure is reflected through its state, which ensures business security, infrastructure services for entrepreneurs, support for innovation development and competitiveness of the whole national economic complex. Elimination  of threats that affect entrepreneurial activities requires creating effective policies and procedures as well as forming a sound infrastructure that will boost competitive advantages of domestic proprietorship in Ukraine’s economy.

Discussion. The issue of interaction of infrastructural facilities in inter-regional economic linkage should be addressed in further studies.

Author Biographies

  • Borys Pohrishchuk
    Vinnytsia Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics, Ternopil National Economic University
  • Heorhii Khvichiia-Duve
    Ternopil National Economic University
  • Nataliia Dobizha
    Ternopil National Economic University


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How to Cite

Pohrishchuk, Borys, et al. “Economic Security As an Indicator of Infrastructure Development of Modern Proprietorship”. Herald of Economics, no. 2(92), Aug. 2019, pp. 91-99,

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