Assessment of the research component used to provide infrastructure facilities for enhancing innovative development in Ukraine


  • Heorhii Khvichiia-Duve



innovative development, infrastructure facilities, innovative infrastructure, research component, research capacity.


The study addresses the research component used to provide infrastructure facilities for enhancing innovative development in Ukraine. More specifically, the article considers the main infrastructure facilities, which accelerate innovative development. The paper also evaluates preconditions for building research capacity in the country and its funding by structuring expenditures on research and development by sources of funding. The issues of creating intellectual capital are put forward and examined. The article introduces a number of factors, which hinder providing investment support for the infrastructural development of the economy. Finally, the paper formulates a set of measure to be taken in order to integrate the innovative infrastructure of the national economy into the world economic system.

Author Biography

  • Heorhii Khvichiia-Duve
    Ternopil National Economic University


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How to Cite

Khvichiia-Duve, Heorhii. “Assessment of the Research Component Used to Provide Infrastructure Facilities for Enhancing Innovative Development in Ukraine”. Herald of Economics, no. 4(90), July 2019, pp. 27-32,

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